Picture of Pajon Sopananurak
To First-Year Graduate Student - 2022_MP1, SIPS509: ACTH and glucocorticoids & Mineralocorticoids and adrenal medulla.
by Pajon Sopananurak - Tuesday, 27 September 2022, 1:23 PM

To First-Year Graduate Student - 2022_MP1, SIPS509: ACTH and glucocorticoids & Mineralocorticoids and adrenal medulla.
You can open and download instructional file of Assoc. Prof. Dr. Suwattanee Kooptiwut
     1. MP1, SIPS509: ACTH and glucocorticoids & Mineralocorticoids and adrenal medulla.
         Study day will be 28 September 2022, 01:00 - 03:30 PM
         at http://www.ps2.si.mahidol.ac.th/pels/pluginfile.php/10094/mod_resource/content/1/Adrenal gland 1_2016 Gradcolor.pdf